BLACK FLAGYou have a responsibility to your conscience. Your freedom is either real or it is not. There is no dignity as a slave. Black Flag is a gripping full-length presentation from the Founder that walks you carefully through the values, perspectives, and decisions of conscience necessary for real, breakout freedom.
CONTROLLED PENETRATIONGrace, intimacy, trust, and leadership are integral to the power of successful men. Our program demystifies and makes clear the mathematical processes that deliver absolute control over both your life and demanded fate.
DARK TRIAD DANGER ZONEIntense and all-encompassing 90-minute presentation on the basics, regulation, and professional militant execution of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy with ninja methods of reversed flow.
Conscience, freedom, and dignity are nonnegotiable drivers for men of action and leaders who refuse defeat. This intense program shatters your self-doubts and puts you on the road of prerogative.
FURY TO POWERInjustice provokes rage. Futility spreads despair. If you wish to break through the chains of slavery to own your birthright and future, this program will put cruel and competent shape to your development.
KURAI NO SANKOBeloved by our clients in military, law enforcement, and political roles, this syncretic program brings you the secrets of imperial counsel, individual sovereignty, and the radical ancient methodologies of the