The Age of Militants is here and the Third World War has begun.
Vanguard CORE provides you with unmatched instruction and content. You'll be able to preserve, determine, and advance your values, interests, and ambitions in this new and rapidly changing global era with our unmatched instruction and expertise.
Enroll today in the Academy and become a driving force in the Movement:
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The levels of Vanguard CORE are designed to rapidly identify, instruct, and equip the builders, fighters, and leaders of the Movement. It provides base entry into the Company under the Standard at four defined depths of instruction and advancement tracks:
The Movement provides each man entry into the powerful private networks of the Company and places both strong teams and serious tools for victory in his hands.
The full range of Men who engage with the Company across every arena constitutes the Movement.
Readers of the Founder's Substack, Vanguard CORE enrollees, Faction Leaders, Executive Cadre, Risk Division Authority, and owner-operators with Project Silver Talent all represent far-seeing, committed individuals who recognize their extraordinary collective opportunity for joint victory.
As a part of the Movement you'll be immersed in our people, our methods, our networks, and our success. You'll play an integral role beside those who build, fight, and lead with passionate determination.
Our purpose is to serve God and live well.
We of the Movement seize the future by right.
Questions about our programs? Members of the public who seek guidance in choosing their appropriate Vanguard CORE level or wish to arrange an interview for Vanguard CORE: Bespoke enrollment should submit the New Client Intake application.
Investors, partners, and clients with questions reach out to your Relationship Manager.
The Age of Militants is here and the Third World War has begun.
Vanguard CORE provides you with unmatched instruction and content. You'll be able to preserve, determine, and advance your values, interests, and ambitions in this new and rapidly changing global era with our unmatched instruction and expertise.
Enroll today in the Academy and become a driving force in the Movement:
BLACK FLAG: You have a responsibility to your conscience. Your freedom is either real or it is not. There is no dignity as a slave. Black Flag is a gripping full-length presentation from the Founder that walks you carefully through the values, perspectives, and decisions of conscience necessary for real, breakout freedom.
CONTROLLED PENETRATION: Grace, intimacy, trust, and leadership are integral to the power of successful men. Our program demystifies and makes clear the mathematical processes that deliver absolute control over both your life and demanded fate.
DARK TRIAD DANGER ZONE: Intense and all-encompassing 90-minute presentation on the basics, regulation, and professional militant execution of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy with ninja methods of reversed flow.
DOMINANCE: Conscience, freedom, and dignity are nonnegotiable drivers for men of action and leaders who refuse defeat. This intense program shatters your self-doubts and puts you on the road of prerogative.
FURY TO POWER: Injustice provokes rage. Futility spreads despair. If you wish to break through the chains of slavery to own your birthright and future, this program will put cruel and competent shape to your development.
KURAI NO SANKO: Beloved by our clients in military, law enforcement, and political roles, this syncretic program brings you the secrets of imperial counsel, individual sovereignty, and the radical ancient methodologies of the ninja.
THE POWER NARCISSIST: The Power Narcissist is a foundational part of the formal militant education of the Company. You’ll learn crucial cycles, processes, and cascades which shape you from Raw Human Capital into a militant who drives the future where he knows it must go.